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澳博官方网站app 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report Reflects Focus on 城市 as Engines of Economic Growth

公司的全球影响力, expertise and capabilities help promote economic growth and address social challenges in 城市 around the world

2015年5月14日,纽约——澳博官方网站app & Co. 今天发布了 2014年企业社会责任报告, highlighting steps the firm is taking to support economic growth and address critical challenges facing 城市 around the world. 这份报告, 全球实力:在城市中发挥作用 features case studies of work the firm is doing to help 城市 address these challenges as well as innovative and sustainable solutions designed to create growth and opportunity.

“Strengthening local economies is essential to opening up access to opportunity,” 杰米·戴蒙,澳博官方网站app董事长兼首席执行官 & Co. 澳博官方网站app is putting its resources to work – from financial to human capital – to help city leaders develop strategies that boost the economic vitality of their communities.”

The 2014年企业社会责任报告 features case studies from many 城市 and perspectives from community and world leaders about how 城市 should think about sustainable economic growth. 澳博官方网站app’s work in 城市 is focused on removing barriers to opportunity and opening new pathways to success for economically disadvantaged communities, 特别是在劳动力准备方面, 财务能力, 小企业和社区发展.

这种关注在该公司在底特律的工作中体现得很明显. In 2014 澳博官方网站app made a $100 million, five-year commitment to the city’s economic recovery. 利用澳博官方网站app在底特律80年的业务, the firm is using its many resources – from its philanthropic and business resources to the expertise of its employees – to tackle issues ranging from workforce development to community and economic development.

世界上一半以上的人口现在把城市称为家, 城市已经成为社会最紧迫的社会问题的中心, 经济和环境挑战,” Peter Scher,澳博官方网站app企业责任主管. “澳博官方网站app is making long-term investments in 城市 around the world to help them become engines of growth and shared prosperity. 如果城市繁荣,我们的公司也会繁荣——我们必须尽自己的一份力量.”

城市 featured in the report as the focus of 澳博官方网站app’s initiatives include Athens, 芝加哥, 哥伦布, 丹佛, 底特律, 休斯顿, 伦敦, 洛杉矶, Louisville-Lexington, 马德里, 墨西哥城, 迈阿密, 米兰, 孟买, 新奥尔良, 纽约市, 凤凰城, 波特兰和旧金山. Mayors from many of these 城市 also provide leadership perspectives in the report on the importance of 城市 including Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, 伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊, 底特律市长迈克·达根和新奥尔良市长米切尔·兰德里欧. The report also features remarks and interviews with other leaders such as National Council of La Raza President and CEO Janet Murguia, National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial and Unilever CEO Paul Polman.

“Going global isn’t just how we do business in Atlanta, it’s critical in today’s economy,” 亚特兰大市长卡西姆·里德说. “人 and businesses are increasingly turning to 城市 for leadership, 大胆的思考, 有效的服务和经济繁荣. 在一天结束的时候,城市是希望与街道相遇的地方.”

Demonstrating the scale of 澳博官方网站app’s philanthropic work around the world, more than $200 million in contributions were made in 2014 to nonprofits in more than 44 countries. The report features how 澳博官方网站app used its many assets – from financial resources and business expertise to the talent of its employees – to bring new opportunities, 城市的解决方案和思路:

  • 在底特律投资: Committed $100 million over five years to accelerate 底特律’s economic recovery, putting $34 million to work in the first year to revitalize the local economy, 稳定的社区, 帮助企业扩大规模,增加就业, extend affordable rehabilitation loans to qualified homebuyers and deploy highly skilled 澳博官方网站app employees to work with 底特律’s nonprofits.
  • 构建社区: 提供2美元2 billion to low-and moderate-income individuals and communities through mortgage, 小企业和社区发展工作. 提供2美元.6 billion to low-and moderate-income communities through community development lending, 保存35个以上,2000套经济适用房,创造了近2000套住房,200个制造业岗位.
  • 提升经济竞争力: 筹集资金并提供2美元信贷.客户1万亿. 全球城市倡议, 这是布鲁金斯学会和澳博官方网站app的联合项目, 为全球城市交易所增加了8个新城市, 发展出口的城市网络, 外商直接投资与经济竞争力, 使总数达到28美元.S. 城市.
  • 培养熟练的劳动力: 部署了五年计划的首批5000万美元, 2.5亿美元的新工作技能计划, 与休斯顿合作, 路易斯安那州, 迈阿密, 哥伦布, 纽约市, the United Kingdom and France to identify skills gaps and career opportunities for their workforces.
  • 成长中的小企业: 向美国政府提供了190亿美元的新信贷.S. 并发起了“小企业前进”, 3000万澳元, 支持城市小企业集群的五年承诺.
  • 扩大财务能力: 成立金融解决方案实验室, 一个五年, 3000万美元的倡议来确定, test and expand promising innovations to help Americans increase savings, 改善信用,建立资产. 分配了3500万美元中的1800万美元, two-year commitment to support and expand proven 财务能力 programs with nonprofits across the United States.
  • 支持退伍军人: 招聘8人以上,自2011年以来,有200名退伍军人,并帮助了21名,000名军人从美国退伍.S. 在接下来的几年里,每个月都有军队. 继续领导百强,000个工作岗位, 一个雇主联盟总共雇佣了240多名员工,000 U.S. 退伍军人和军人配偶.
  • 促进可持续经济: Helped clients identify opportunities to advance their environmental and social objectives, while reducing related risks; provided founding sponsorship for NatureVest, 大自然保护协会的环保金融倡议. Invested another $13 million of 澳博官方网站app capital in investment funds providing basic services to underserved communities, 使投资总额达到6300万美元.

告知并评估主要慈善活动的影响, 2015年初, 澳博官方网站app和城市研究所成立了一个1000万美元的基金, 五年合作. The Urban 研究所 will examine the firm's Corporate Responsibility initiatives and philanthropic programs and produce research and analysis that will further strengthen these programs.

For more information about corporate responsibility at 澳博官方网站app, or to read the report.

澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.6万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 这家公司是投资银行业的领头羊, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, 商业银行, 金融交易处理, 资产管理. 道琼斯工业平均指数的一个组成部分,澳博官方网站app & Co. serves millions of consumers in the United States and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, 其J.P. 摩根和大通品牌. 关于澳博官方网站app的信息 & Co. 可在 wh6.vipratrust.com/.

媒体联系人:Steve O'Halloran
(302) 282-5699