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JPMorgan Chase Releases Carbon Reduction Targets for Paris-Aligned Financing Commitment

Carbon CompassSM 方法论概述了公司如何建立目标并将进行测量
performance over time 

Annual ESG Report provides updates about the firm’s approach to help clients transition to a low-carbon


NEW YORK, NY, May 13, 2021 - JPMorgan Chase today released comprehensive steps it is taking in its efforts to align its financing activities with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. 作为去年秋天宣布的与《澳博体育app》一致的融资承诺的一部分, 该公司已经公布了2030年石油的碳强度目标 & 天然气、电力和汽车制造业. 澳博官方网站app也发布了新的碳指南针SM methodology that describes how the firm set its targets and how it will monitor progress over time.  

“There must be collective ambition and cooperation by business and government to tackle climate change,” said 杰米·戴蒙,澳博官方网站app董事长兼首席执行官. “Setting our Paris-aligned targets is an important step toward accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy and meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. JPMorgan Chase is committed to doing its part by working with clients around the world to reduce emissions and by ensuring our own operations remain carbon neutral.”

A Commitment to Paris

JPMorgan Chase first announced its Paris-aligned financing commitment in October 2020, aiming to work with clients to drive near-term actions that help set a path for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. 作为这一努力的一部分,澳博官方网站app还创建了 Center for Carbon Transition to engage with clients on sustainability-focused financing, research and advisory solutions.

More recently, the firm’s Commercial Banking business launched a Green Economy specialized industry team to support the development and growth of companies in Renewable Energy, Efficiency Technology, Sustainable Finance, 农业和食品技术. 帮助客户获得创新所需的资金, JPMorgan Chase announced in April 2021 a target to finance and facilitate more than $2.5 trillion over 10 years - including $1 trillion for green activities - to advance long-term solutions that address climate change and contribute to sustainable development.

Carbon CompassSM Methodology and Targets

澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)建立了碳指南针(Carbon Compass)SM, a methodology 指导其与《澳博体育app》一致的目标设定方法, 测量客户的碳强度, evaluating ongoing progress and integrating carbon performance considerations into business decision-making. 这些目标是基于可信的第三方能源和排放情景, 包括国际能源署的可持续发展方案.

挑战并加强公司在创造碳指南针方面的努力SM, 澳博官方网站app获得了ERM的支持, 具有深厚行业背景的全球可持续发展咨询公司, 低碳经济转型中的技术和商业专长.

澳博官方网站app方法的关键方面及其投资组合目标, 根据2019年的基线建立, include: 

  • Auto Manufacturing:
    • 2030 target: 新车生产的碳排放强度降低41%, 以及这些车辆的尾气排放.
      • Covers global manufacturers of light duty vehicles, such as global passenger cars and U.S. light trucks. The firm will work with clients to help accelerate the transition to electric vehicles, and over time, 量化和解决汽车供应链的排放问题.
  • Electric Power:
    • 2030 target: 发电碳强度降低69%, 该行业对气候影响的绝大部分原因是什么.
      • 涵盖从事发电的公司. The firm will work to accelerate the power sector’s shift to low- and zero-carbon sources, like solar and wind, 帮助减少全球电网的排放.
  • Oil & Gas:
    • 2030 target: 运营碳强度降低35%, as well as a 15% reduction in end-use carbon intensity – reflecting a decrease in emissions from the combustion of oil & 天然气下游和可再生能源发电增加.
      • Covers producers of oil & 天然气,以及炼油厂和综合公司. The firm intends to work with clients to address methane leakage and flaring activity, in addition to encouraging shifts to renewable electricity to reduce operational emissions. 澳博官方网站app还将与客户合作解决终端用途排放问题, including by shifting to lower-carbon fuels and exploring other business diversification strategies.

“JPMorgan Chase is leading the way for the banking industry by developing and transparently sharing a practical methodology which tackles key challenges, 例如,减少石油和天然气行业甲烷排放的紧迫性, 以及轻型卡车在美国非商用汽车市场的突出地位.S. fleet,” said Keryn James, CEO of ERM. “They have embraced the enormous opportunity for the banking industry to finance the transition to a low-carbon economy and provided clarity to their corporate clients on credible decarbonization trajectories.”

Over time, the firm intends to integrate additional sectors into its Paris-aligned financing commitment. As a next step, JPMorgan Chase is analyzing target setting for the Aviation and Pulp & 到2022年底,造纸行业.

“We have carefully chosen our targets and put the resources in place to help our clients transition to a low-carbon world,” said Ashley Bacon,澳博官方网站app首席风险官. “Our Carbon CompassSM methodology creates incentives to deliver capital and advice to our global clients for the purpose of improving carbon efficiency, 帮助我们走上零排放的道路.”

Measurement and Reporting

The firm’s 2020 ESG report, which was released today, 提供有关环境的最新信息, social and governance matters are considered in the way JPMorgan Chase manages its business, 以及该公司如何让其业务为其利益相关者服务. This includes information about the firm’s approach to managing climate-related risks and opportunities, which has been informed by the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Addressing Operational Impact

JPMorgan Chase also announced today it has achieved carbon neutrality across its operations in 2020 and will maintain this commitment each year going forward. 公司如何实现其目标的例子包括:

  • Improving Energy Efficiency:
    • 安装LED照明系统约4,300个分支机构和50个商业办事处, reducing lighting-related electricity consumption at each building by an estimated 50%.
    • 在超过3幢楼宇安装节能楼宇管理系统,400个分支机构,以更好地控制和监测每个地点的能源使用情况.
  • 建立现场可再生能源能力:
    • 在900个分支机构中安装大约30兆瓦的太阳能容量, 预计哪一个将提供每个地点约35%的电力需求.
    • Planning to install 40 MW of solar capacity across the firm’s corporate office buildings in the U.S. and the U.K.
  • 执行长期可再生能源协议:
    • 合作开发了一个108兆瓦的, 22-turbine wind farm, 这将提供相当于全球14%的能源需求.

继续推动自身业务的可持续发展, 澳博官方网站app也制定了一系列新目标:

  • 减少大厦运作时所排放的温室气体, 到2030年,分支机构和数据中心将减少40%, based on a 2017 baseline.
  • Satisfy at least 70% of its renewable energy goal with on-site renewable energy and off-site long-term renewable energy contracts by 2025.
  • 到2025年,将所有自有车辆全部转换为电动汽车.
  • 在2017年的基础上,到2030年将全球用水量减少20%.
  • 到2025年减少90%的办公用纸, based on a 2017 baseline, 到2021年底,100%从经过认证的来源购买纸张.
  • 通过负责任的第三方供应商从垃圾填埋场转移100%的电子垃圾.

Last month, 作为其支持技术和市场创新承诺的一部分, JPMorgan Chase was among the founding members of the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance (SABA), whose mission is to accelerate the path to net-zero aviation by driving investment in high quality sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), 促进新的SAF生产和技术创新, 支持成员参与决策.


About JPMorgan Chase & Co.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.7万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. 道琼斯工业平均指数的一个组成部分,澳博官方网站app & Co. serves millions of customers in the United States and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, 其J.P. Morgan and Chase brands. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at wh6.vipratrust.com.



Paris Committment